welcome to

lens maestro group

Meet our guiding force


We are blessed to be associated with the legends of Indian and International photography as our Patrons. Our group is guided by these masters of photography industry and support us with our Vision & Mission.

our teams

our team

Mr. Gurdas Dua (FIIPC, FBAF, Hon. FPASP, SONY Brand Ambassador)

Director & Founder

Mrs Anita Dua

Joint Director & Co- Founder

Mr. Ankit Porwal

Executive Advisor & Co-Founder

Event Management Cell

Mr. Amitabh Agarwal, Varanasi
Mr. Vineet Yadav, Jabalpur
Mr. Ritwik Yadav, New Delhi
Mr. Ankit Porwal, Indore
Mr. Ankur Garg, Indore

Legal Advisor

Mr. Anurag Agarwal, Indore


Ouriken Consulting

contact us

have more questions?

contact us

If you have a question or a comment, please feel free to get in touch:
Call us (between 9.30am to 9.30pm IST) or Email us or use the Form below to contact us.

our contacts and socials

how to find us